About this class
Feeling down? Stressed out from work or just life's pressures? Join me for a 45 minute journey into pranayama (breath), soft grounding movements, a practice in stillness, and meditation. Come prepared to explore your physical, mental, and spiritual self to prepare you for a positive tomorrow!
New to Restorative Yoga? This type of Yin Yoga (as opposed to Yang, the "flow" yoga we are more accostomed to giving us a workout) is all about slowing down, finding stillness, inviting quiet. In this, we can use props to find relaxation and passive stretching without strain. Restorative yoga is more of an emotional and mental workout, and less of a physical workout.
Want to learn about more offerings, including one-to-one privates? Reach out here: https://forms.gle/MbxAFjb54oCN9MRw7